Mar 13, 2025  
2017-18 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2017-18 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Core Curriculum

John Wesley advocated using four sources for reflection that would permit relevant, theologically informed engagement with a rapidly changing world (as named the Wesleyan “quadrilateral” by Albert C. Outler in 1964). Scripture is Wesley’s main source, along with reason, tradition, and experience.
Southern Wesleyan University’s curriculum reflects the belief that our graduates must be able to create a reasoned defense of the Christian faith, demonstrate Christian character traits, and be able to articulate a Christian worldview in their chosen field.  Read more…  

Required Courses (9-12 Hours)

Required courses, in addition to General Education Requirements:

General Education Requirements (31-32 Hours)

Specified programs require specific core curriculum courses within the major. Students should refer to their program requirements.

Humanities/Fine Arts (21 Hours)

Choose one of the following:

Natural Sciences (7-8 Hours)

Choose one of the following:

Choose one of the following:

Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 hours)

Choose one of the following:


Total Hours: 40-44


1All students must enroll in Freshman Composition (ENGL 1003 followed by ENGL 1013) and Foundations for Success (SEMR 2323 or HNRS 2323) until they earn the minimum required grade.  Transfer students with regular admittance  who have earned 30 or more transferable credit hours are exempt from SEMR 2323. Please note that a required grade of C- or higher is required in ENGL 1003 and ENGL 1013. Withdrawal is not permitted from any of these courses until after the last day to drop without record, but the withdrawal must be completed before the final withdrawal date. Students must first consult both their advisor and the instructor before withdrawing from a course.
2Challenge Exam for CPSC 1103: For a testing fee of $80, students can take a challenge exam for CPSC 1103. Information concerning preparing for the exam or scheduling it is available from the Center for Teaching Excellence, 864.644.5038. Students who have previously failed CPSC 1103 at this institution and students who are currently enrolled in the course are not eligible to take the challenge exam. There is no provision for a retest. Transfer and re-admitted students: Please note that no credit toward our computer literacy requirement will be awarded for computer fundamental classes that are more than five years old at the time of transfer or re-admittance.