Feb 06, 2025  
2017-18 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2017-18 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees and Expenses


Because the cost of operations in a university depends upon numerous variables beyond the institution’s control, the following charges are subject to revision at any time.

Room and Board 2017-2018 (per semester)

Mullinax Residence Hall - Single $2,630.00
Mullinax Residence Hall - Double $2,025.00
New Residence Hall - Single $2,430.00
New Residence Hall - Double $2,025.00
New Residence Hall - Triple $2,025.00
New Residence Hall - Quad $2,025.00
New Residence Hall - Single in double room $2,630.00
Apartments - Occupancy of 4 $2,430.00
14 Meal Plan1 $2,160.00
21 Meal Plan2 $2,460.00
Housing security deposit (all housing)3 $225.00
Key Replacement (per key) Residence Hall $35.00
Key Replacement (per key) Apartments $85.00
Key Replacement (per key) Unreported4 $100.00

1 The 14 meal plan is a minimum requirement for apartment residents.
2 The 21 meal plan is required of all students who reside in the New Residence Hall and Mullinax.
3 Rooms are reserved upon receipt of the housing security deposit and tuition deposit (incoming students). The housing security deposit is refundable upon graduation or transfer, provided that rooms occupied have been returned to the school in the condition in which they were rented and that accounts have been cleared.
4 Lost keys must be reported and replaced immediately by students for the safety of the entire living community. This charge is representative of the respective student not initiating replacement of a lost key.

Tuition and Fees  2017-2018

Traditional Program - Undergraduate

(All prices are per semester unless otherwise indicated.)

(US Dollars)

Tuition (per semester):

Tuition (block of 12-18 credit hours) $12,100.00
Part-time Tuition - Fewer than 12 hours (per credit hour under block) $968.00
Overload Tuition- More than 18 hours (per credit hour over block) $363.00
Summer School Tuition (per credit hour) $350.00
Senior Citizen Tuition (65 and older) (10% of Part-time Tuition) (per credit hour) $96.00
High School Student Tuition (10% of Part-time Tuition) (per credit hour) $96.00

Fees (per semester):

Activity Fee (full-time) $125.00
Activity Fee (6-11 credit hours) $63.00
Application Fee (non-refundable) $25.00
Auditing Fee (10% of part-time tuition; per credit hour) $96.00
Basic Painting Fee $100.00
Challenge Exam Fee, CPSC 1103 $80.00
Clemson Co-Op Fee (per credit hour) $110.00
Credit by Exam (CLEP, PEP, USAFI, DANTES) $50.00
Dance Lab Fee $225.00
Departmental Exam Fee (10% of part-time tuition; per credit hour) $96.00
Directed Study Fee (per credit hour) $100.00
Education Practica Fee (<100 hours) $50.00
Education Practica Fee (>100 hours) $100.00
Exercise Science Fee $50.00
Finance Charge, 2 Pay $20.00
Finance Charge, 4 Pay $60.00
Gymnastics Fee $250.00
Housing Security Deposit $225.00
Kayaking Fee $40.00
Late Fee $25.00
Pre-Clinical Fee $100.00
Private Music Lesson Fee (per credit hour) $320.00
Returned Check Fee $32.00
Science Lab Fee $65.00
Scuba Fee $300.00
Student Teaching Fee (semester of teaching only) $125.00
SWOOP/ Outdoor Orientation Fee $300.00
Technology Fee $125.00
Technology Fee for High School Student (per credit hour) $15.00
Transcript Fee $8.00
Tuition Deposit (non-refundable after May 1st/ Fall and Dec. 1st/Spring) $200.00
Urban Ministry Plunge Fee $375.00

Online and Graduate Programs

Tuition and Fees (per semester):

Tuition Deposit (refundable upon request, if student does not enroll) $50.00
Undergraduate (per course) $425.00

Miscellaneous Fees

Application Fee (non-refundable) $25.00
Audit Fee (per credit hour) $96.00
CLEP/DSST (Dantes) Posting Fee $50.00
Departmental Exam Fee (per credit hour) $96.00
Directed Study Fee (per credit hour) $100.00
Finance Charge - 2 Pay/3 Pay/4 Pay $20/$40/$60
Late Fee $25.00
Returned Check Fee $32.00
Service Charge - Deferred Billing $20.00
Transcript Fee $8.00
Tuition Deposit $50.00


OneLife Students

Tuition - 12 credit hours $9,560
Stuart-Bennett Housing $650
Meal Plan $740
Application Fee $25
Late Fee $25
Returned Check Fee $32
Room Security Deposit $225
Transcript Fee $8
Tuition Deposit $300

Payment of Accounts

By completing registration for any period of enrollment at Southern Wesleyan University, the student agrees to the financial responsibility for all charges on their student account. Students must make student account payments in full, or must have approval by the Office of Student Accounts and participate in one of the University’s payment plans. The University has the right to take steps to collect the balance, including but not limited to the following terms:

  • Assessing a finance charge and/or late fee to delinquent accounts.
  • Not releasing diplomas or transcripts until all accounts with the university (including parking fines, library fines, residence hall fines, and student account bills) have been settled.
  • Placing a student’s account with a third party collection agency.

You may make payments using personal funds by calling our Student Accounts Office at 1-800-282-8798, extension 5520 and using one of the following methods: MasterCard, Discover, VISA, eCheck, or American Express.

Traditional Payment Plans

Either payment in full or the first payment of approved payment plans should be received by the Student Accounts Office prior to enrollment day of the current semester.

The following are the payment plan options for the Traditional program:

  • Payment in full prior to Enrollment Day.
  • Two Pay Plan - The balance on the student account is divided into two equal payments. This plan has a per semester finance charge of $20.00. A $25 late fee will be charged for any payment not received in full by last day of the month.
  • Three Pay Plan - The balance on the student’s account is divided into three equal payments.  This plan has a per term finance charge of $40.00.  A $25.00 late fee will be charged for any payment not receive in full by the last day of the month. 
  • Four Pay Plan - The balance on the student account is divided into four equal payments. This plan has a per semester finance charge of $60.00. A $25 late fee will be charged for any payment not received in full by last day of the month.

If payment in full or the first payment of one of the University’s payment plans has not been received by the end of the first week of class, a $20.00 finance charge will be added to the student’s account. After six weeks of school, if the account is delinquent, another $40.00 will be added to the account for a total of $60.00 for the semester.

Online and Graduate Programs Payment Plans

Either payment in full or the first payment of approved payment plans should be received by the Student Accounts Office on or before the first day of class in the current term.

The following are the payment plan options for the Online and Graduate Programs:

  • Payment in full prior to first day of class.
  • Two Pay Plan - The balance on the student account is divided into two equal payments. This plan has a per term finance charge of $20.00. A $25.00 late fee will be charged for any payment not received in full by last day of the month. 
  • Three Pay Plan - The balance on the student’s account is divided into three equal payments. This plan has a per term finance charge of $40.00. A $25.00 late fee will be charged for any payment not receive in full by the last day of the month. 
  • Four Pay Plan - The balance on the student’s account is divided into four equal payments. This plan has a per term finance charge of $60.00. A $25.00 late fee will be charged for any payment not receive in full by the last day of the month. This plan is not offered for the summer term. 
  • Direct Bill Plan - Approved company tuition vouchers must be received and approved by the Student Accounts Office. If the recipient will not have 100% of their bill paid through funding, a payment plan for the remaining balance must be selected.
  • Veteran’s Assistance - Signed and approved forms must be on file with SWU’s VA representative for this option to be chosen. If the recipient will not have 100% of their bill paid through funding, a payment plan for the remaining balance must be selected.
  • Deferred Billing - Signed and approved deferred-billing forms must be on file with Student Accounts for this option to be chosen. Deferred billing is a delayed payment option where outstanding balances for each course must be paid no later than 31days after the class ends. Payment is deferred because the student is awaiting their employer’s reimbursement. To qualify for this option, the employer must be able to reimburse the student for at least 75% of tuition cost per year. There is a $20 service charge is assessed per course for this payment option.

If payment in full or the first payment of a two, three, or four pay plan has not been received by the end of the first week of class in the current term, a $20.00 finance charge will be added to the student’s account.  After six weeks of school, if the account is delinquent, another $20.00 finance charge will be added to the student’s account.  If after 12 weeks, a student’s account is still delinquent, another $20 finance charge will be added to the student’s account, for a total of $60.00 for the term.

Delinquency Policy

Traditional students who have not met their financial obligation will be considered delinquent ten days after the current semester’s enrollment day. In addition, any traditional student with an outstanding balance at the end of the current semester will be considered in default.

In general, Online and Graduate Programs students who have not met their financial obligation will be considered delinquent ten days after beginning the first course of the current term. In addition, any Online and Graduate Programs student with an outstanding balance at the end of the current term will be considered in default.  An Online and Graduate Programs student participating in Deferred Billing is considered delinquent 32 days after course end date, allowing students 31 days to remit payment.  Those participating in Direct Billing will be considered delinquent sixty days past the due date. 

Should a student default on their student account charges, the student agrees to reimburse the University the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 33%. In the event the University has to incur any costs or expenses in collecting the student’s account, the student agrees to reimburse all of the University’s cost of collection. This includes reasonable collection, attorney, and litigation fees incurred by the University in efforts to collect. The student authorizes the University to release financial information about his/her account to those concerned with collecting the balance.

AUTHORIZATION- By completing registration for any period of enrollment at Southern Wesleyan University, the student authorizes the University, its vendor partners, its collection agencies, and its respective agents and contractors to contact them regarding their loan request, loan(s), including repayment of my loan(s), and/ or student account at the current or any future number that the student provides for their cellular phone or other wireless device using automated telephone dialing equipment or artificial or pre-recorded voice or text messages.

CHANGE OF STATUS- The student will inform the University of any change in their name, address, telephone number, Social Security Number, or driver’s license number.

Refund Policies

Traditional Undergraduate Campus Program

Southern Wesleyan University considers the acceptance of a registration slip as a contract binding the student for charges for the entire semester. However, when withdrawal from school or a class becomes necessary, reduction in charges (tuition-only) will be made according to the following scale:

  During 1st week of the semester: 100%
  2nd week of the semester: 100%
  3rd week of the semester: 75%
  4th week of the semester: 50%
  5th week of the semester: 25%

After the fifth week there will be no reduction in tuition charges.

There will be no refund of fees after the second week.

Meal plans will be adjusted on a weekly basis, any part of a week counting as a whole week.

Room will be adjusted by the month, any part of a month counting as a whole month (4 weeks equal 1 month). No refunds will be made on rooms after 8 weeks (2 months).

No refund will be issued to students compelled to leave school for disciplinary reasons.

One day of summer session is equivalent to one week of regular session. Summer school is charged at the rate of 25% per day.

No refund will be made for private music lessons missed unless the student has made proper arrangements ahead of time.

Withdrawal forms are obtained from the Retention Office. The student must complete this form and give it to the Director of Retention. This information goes to the Academic Records Office to complete the withdrawal process and notify the necessary offices. No financial adjustments will be made if the student fails to withdraw properly and a grade of 0 will be assigned for each course not successfully completed.

Students who receive Title IV financial assistance are subject to refund policies for their financial aid that are different from the one described above. When a student withdraws, a refund calculation which determines the amount of Title IV aid earned will be used to determine the amount of funds that must be returned to the sources.

Refunds calculated are returned to sources in the following order:

  1. Loan proceeds
  2. Grant proceeds
  3. Other federal, state, private, or institutional sources of aid.

Students receiving financial assistance may be required to repay an appropriate amount of the assistance advanced for the semester of withdrawal.

Refund schedules and examples for all Title IV programs are available from the Office of Financial Aid.

Online Programs

The following refund policies pertain to all online programs:

  1. Application fees are not refundable. Tuition deposits are refundable upon request, if student does not enroll.
  2. If submission of appropriate withdrawal paperwork is received prior to the course start date, the student is eligible for a full-tuition credit for that course.
  3. If submission of appropriate withdrawal paperwork is received after the course start date but before the second workshop, 90% of tuition (whether or not the student ever attended) will be credited.
  4. No refund will be given after the second workshop except on appeal. Appeals may be granted only in rare situations involving death in the immediate family, work transfer, military obligations, or serious personal or family illness.