Feb 06, 2025  
2017-18 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2017-18 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Board of Trustees

Todd S. Voss, President of the University Central, South Carolina
Charles L. Joiner, Chair Birmingham, Alabama
Don Milstead, Vice Chair Liberty, South Carolina
Dan Berry, Secretary Conyers, Georgia
Pete Benson Franklin, Tennessee
William Benton Birmingham, Alabama
J. Wesley Brown Bessemer City, North Carolina
Louise H. Carlton Saluda, Virginia
Keith Carroll Thomasville, North Carolina
Thomas Cayce Goodlettsville, Tennessee
D. Mike Chambers Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Joseph Dongell Wilmore, Kentucky
Darl Fowler Greensboro, North Carolina
Russ Gunsalus Indianapolis, Indiana
Thomas Harding Central, South Carolina
Mike Hilson La Plata, Maryland
Benji Kelley Durham, North Carolina
Dan Loggins High Point, North Carolina
Jerry L. Lumston Archdale, North Carolina
Donna Madden High Point, North Carolina
Kevin Myers Lawrenceville, Georgia
John Ott Roanoke, Virginia
Hershell Pruitt Mentone, Alabama
W. Marshall Rampey, Jr. Greenville, South Carolina
Gregory Reynolds Roanoke, Virginia
Sue Rickman Clemson, South Carolina
Henry F. Shigley Mentone, Alabama
Keith W. Smith Decatur, Georgia
Joseph W. Stallings Archdale, North Carolina
Patrick J. Styers Wesley Chapel, Florida
D. Ken Whitener Salem, South Carolina

Church Representative

Wayne Schmidt, General Superintendent Indianapolis, Indiana

Trustee Emeriti

Daniel LeRoy High Point, North Carolina
Herschel A. Smith Greer, South Carolina

President’s Cabinet

Todd Voss President
  BS, Michigan State University; MA, Western Michigan University; EdD, Western Michigan University
Tonya Strickland Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  BS, University of Wyoming; MA, University of Wyoming; EdD, Baylor University
William “Joe” Brockinton Vice President for Student Life
  BA, Asbury College; MS, University of Kentucky; EdD, University of Louisville
Lisa McWherter Vice President for Advancement
  BS, University of Tennessee; MBA, Middle Tennessee State University; EdD, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University
Chad Peters Vice President for Enrollment Management
  BS, Indiana Wesleyan; MSM, Southern Wesleyan University
Mark Reeves Vice President for Finance and Treasurer
  BSBA, Drake University; MBA, University of Wisconsin

Administrative Staff


Shannon Brooks Director of Library Services
Daryl Couch, PhD Chair, Division of Social Sciences
Jane Dill, MFA Chair, Division of Fine Arts
Elizabeth Fezio, DNP Dean and Program Director, RN to BSN
Janice Hartsoe, MEd Registrar
Robert Hudson Dean, Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning
Randolph Johnson, PhD Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Theodore “Ted” Long, EdD Director of Center for Teaching Excellence
Sandra McLendon, EdD Dean, School of Education
Kenneth Myers, PhD Chair, Division of Humanities
Stephen Preacher, DBA Dean, School of Business
Michael Preusz Director of Information Technology
Walt Sinnamon, PhD Chair, Division of Science
Michael Tapper, PhD Chair, Division of Religion
Mona Thornton, EdD Associate Dean, School of Education
April White, PhD Associate Vice President for Educational Excellence


David Slabaugh, MSM Director of Admissions


Chris Williams, MSM Director of Athletics

Financial Affairs

Devon Broome, MBA Controller
Jonathan Catron Director of Physical Plant
Dana Frost, MBA Director of Human Resources
Darlene Stancil Bookstore Manager

Public Relations/Alumni

Joy Bryant, MSM Executive Director of Alumni & Constituent Relations
Cody Thomas, MFA Director of Marketing
Ed Welch, MMC Director of Communications

Student Financial Services

Melanie Gillespie, MSM Director of Financial Aid

Student Life

Emily Bloxdorf, MBA Director of Retention
Justin Carter, PhD AVP for Student Engagement and Title IX Coordinator
Kenneth Dill, MDiv AVP for Spiritual Life and University Chaplain
Ellen Pate, MA Director of Career Services Center
Monica Perez, MEd Director of Counseling & Health Services
Jason Tegen, MSML Director of Residence Life

Faculty, Full-Time

(Dates in parentheses indicate the year of joining the faculty.)

Raymond Attawia, Assistant Professor of Business. Assistant Professor of Business, Master of Arts, Northern Illinois University; Doctorate of Economics, Northern Illinois University. (2016)

Franklin Aviles Santa, Assistant Professor of Business. BA/BBA, University of the Sacred Heart; MBA, University of Phoenix; PhD, Inter American University of Puerto Rico. (2015)

Robert Black, Professor of Religion. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary; PhD, Union Theological Seminary (VA). (1986)

Lynn Brown-Bulloch, Associate Dean of Business, Director of Graduate Studies for Business; Associate Professor of Business. BN, Medical University of South Carolina; MN, University of South Carolina; DBA, University of Phoenix. (2014)

Don R. Campbell, Professor of Music. BA, California State University at Fullerton; MA, California State University at Fresno; DMA, Arizona State University. (1998)

Jacob W. Chapman, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of Alabama (Birmingham); MS, University of Alabama (Birmingham); PhD, University of Alabama (Birmingham). (2014)

Raul Chavez-Negrete, Associate Professor of Business. BS, Catholic University of Guayaquil; MS, Oregon State University; DBA, University of Sarasota. (2015)

Basil “Chad” Chisholm, Assistant Professor of English. AA, Hinds Community College; BA, The University of Mississippi; MA, Clemson University; PhD, The University of Texas-Arlington. (2014)

Daryl Couch, Assistant Professor of Psychology; Chair, Division of Social Science. BA, Spring Arbor College; M.T.S., Ontario Theological Seminary; MS, Shippensburg University; PhD, Clemson University. (1999)

Joseph Crosby, Assistant Professor of Recreation and Sport Management. BS, Clemson University; MS, Clemson University. (2015)

Gregory Day, Associate Professor of Music. BME, Furman University; MME, University of Southern Mississippi. (2000)

Jane Palmer Dill, Professor of Music; Chair, Division of Fine Arts. AA, Anderson College; BMus, Mars Hill College; MFA, University of Georgia. (1977-81, 1990)

Keith East, Professor of Education. BA, Eastern Kentucky University; MA, Eastern Kentucky University; EdS., University of South Carolina; PhD, University of South Carolina. (2006)

Debra D. Eischen, Associate Professor of Business. BA, Columbia College; MS, Chapman University; PhD, Syracuse University. (2010)

Elizabeth Fezio, Dean and Program Director, RN to BSN; Associate Professor of Nursing. BS - Nursing, Georgia College; MSN, Georgia College; DNP, Georgia College. (2016)

Bradford Fipps, Professor of Religion; Coordinator of Studies in New Testament Greek. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary; MPhil, Drew University; PhD, Drew University. (1991)

Bruce Gay, Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Tennessee State University; Th.G., Tennessee State University; MA, University of Texas-Dallas; PhD, Sam Houston State University. (2016).

Emily Germain, Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MA Richmont Graduate University. (2011)

Marianne Gonlag, Professor of Religion; Chair, Division of Religion; Director of Center for Women in Ministry. BA, Marion College; MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary; PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. (1998)

Heather Haithcock, Music Instructor. Music (Vocal Performance), Southern Wesleyan University; Music (Vocal Peformance), Raford University. (2017)

Tracy Hall, Assistant Professor of Education; Coordinator of Field Experiences. BS, University of South Carolina; MEd, University of South Carolina; MEd, University of South Carolina, EdD, Nova University. (2016)

Lisa Hall-Hyman, Assistant Professor of Education. BA-Political Science, SC State University; M.Ed, Education/National Institute Teaching, Cambridge College; Ph.D, Education, Administration and Supervision, University of Southern Mississippi. (2016)

Priscilla Hammond, Assistant Professor of Business. PhD, Indiana Wesleyan University; MMin, Southern Wesleyan University; MBA, University of Hawaii at Manoa; BBA, Georgia State University. (2017)

Tingting Han, Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS Applied Chemistry, Jiaotong University; PhD Chemistry, Clemson University. (2016)

Steven Hayduk, Professor of Psychology; Coordinator of Studies in Psychology. BA, University of Alberta; MA, McGill University; PhD, McGill University. (1996)

Walter Henley, Associate Professor of Marketing. Bachelors not in file; vMBA Finance, University of Memphis; DBA, University of Memphis. (2017)

Kelli Horne, Assistant Professor of Accounting. BS, Brenau University; MBA, Strayer University; DBA, NOVA Southeastern University. (2013)

Charlotte Houke, Professor of Accounting. BS, University of North Alabama; MBA, Augusta State University; DBA, Argosy University; CPA. (2010)

Patty Hovis, Associate Professor of Exercise Science. BS, University of South Florida; MS, University of Florida; PhD, University of Florida. (2015)

Heather Hudson, Associate Professor of Exercise Science. BS, Sports Medicine, Emphasis in Athletic Training, Mars Hill College; MS, Sports and Exercise Science, West Texas A&M University; EdD, Curriculum and Instruction, Gardner Webb University. (2017)

Kimberly Jedlicka, Assistant Professor of Special Education. BA, Clemson University; MEd, Clemson University; PhD, Clemson University. (2016)

Randolph Johnson, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor of Music. BS Music, Indiana University; MA Music, Ohio State University; Ph.D Music, Ohio State University. (2017)

Staci Johnson, Assistant Professor of Biology; Lab Coordinator; Safety Officer. BS, University of Tennessee; MS, Clemson University. (2012)

Paul Jordan, Professor of Computer Science. BS, Appalachian State University; MA, Appalachian State University; PhD, LaSalle University. (2000)

Michael Keaton, Assistant Professor of History. BS & BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MA, Clemson University. (2008)

Lee Kizer, Professor of Business. BS, Centenary College of Louisiana; MBA, University of Arkansas; ScD, Nova Southeastern University. (2002)

Lewis Knight, Assistant Professor of Media Communications and Media Communication Program Coordinator. BA, Glassboro State College; MA, Texas State University; PhD, University of Texas. (2013)

Lillie Lewis, Assistant Professor of Education. BA, Barber Scotia, MEd, Clemson University. (2007)

Namhoon “August” Lee, Assistant Professor of Business. Bachelors not in file; MS Finance, Illinois State University; Ph.D Management Science, Illinois Institute of Technology. (2015)

James McDonald, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Forensic Science. BS, Furman University; MPA, Clemson University. (2012)

Roger McKenzie, Professor of Religion. BA, Anderson College; MDiv, Anderson School of Theology; PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. (1998)

Sandra McLendon, Dean, School of Education; Associate Professor of Education. BA, Erskine College; MLS, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; EdD, Nova Southeastern University. (2007)

Ann Mohr, Assistant Professor of Education. Assistant Professor of Education. BA, University of Indianapolis; EdS, Converse College; PhD, University of South Carolina. (2017)

Jeffery Mohr, Associate Professor of Biology. MS, Zoology, Oklahoma University; Ph.D, Agriculture, Forestry & Life Science, Clemson University. (2016)

Kenneth Myers, Chair, Division of Humanities; Professor of History. BA, Delta State University; MDiv, Oral Roberts University; MA, Mississippi State University; PhD, University of Oklahoma. (2009)

Kipling Pirkle, Professor of Management, PhD, Clemson University; MBA, University of Georgia; BBA, University of Georgia. (2017)

Stephen Preacher, Dean, School of Business, Professor of Business. (2017)

Paul Schleifer, Professor of English. BA, Davidson College; MA, University of Georgia; PhD, University of Georgia. (1995)

Patrice Shearin, Associate Professor of Physical Education. BA, Columbia College; MEd, South Carolina State University; PhD, University of South Carolina. (2015)

Paul Shotsberger, Professor of Education. BA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; MA, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (2009)

Walter Sinnamon, Chair, Division of Science; Professor of Biology. BS, Houghton College; PhD, Clemson University. (1982)

David Stubblefield, Assistant Professor of English. BA, University of South Carolina; MA, University of South Carolina. (2015)

Michael Tapper, Chair of Religion Division and Associate Professor of Religion. PhD Saint Paul University; MA, Saint Paul University; MDiv, Tyndale Seminary; BA, Kingswood University. (2017)

Mona Thornton, Associate Dean of the School of Education; Professor of Education. BS, Howard University; MS, Howard University; EdD, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. (2014)

Ashlee Tietje, Assistant Professor of Biology. BS, Southern Wesleyan University; PhD, Clemson University. (2015)

Laura Timmerman, Assistant Professor of Economics. BS, Charleston Southern University; MA, Clemson University. (2013)

Jennifer Wagner, Assistant Professor of Special Education. BA, Clemson University; Med, Clemson University; MA, Furman University; PhD, Clemson University. (2013)

Lisa “Kim” Welborn, Associate Professor of English/Writing. BA, Clemson University; MEd, Clemson University. (2008)

Mildred Williams, Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, Rutgers University; MA, Webster University; PhD, Capella University (ABD). (2009)

Mark Wilson, Assistant Professor for Discipleship, Multiplication, and Renewal. MA, Fuller Theological Seminary; BA, Indiana Wesleyan University. (2017)

Faculty Emeriti

Gloria J. Bell, Professor of English. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MA University of North Carolina; PhD, University of Colorado. (1977)

Laura N. Black, English. Professor of English. BA, Newberry College; MEd, University of South Carolina; PhD, University of South Carolina. (1980-1989, 1991-2006)

James L. Bowen, Professor of Accounting; Coordinator of Studies in Accounting. BS, University of South Carolina; MPA, Clemson University; CPA. (1987-2013)

James B. Bross, Sr., Professor of Religion. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MA, University of Illinois; PhD, University of Iowa. (1973-2008)

C. Keith Connor, Professor of Physical Education. BS, High Point College; MAT, University of North Carolina; EdD, University of Georgia. (1969-2015)

Martha S. Evatt, Librarian. BA, Furman University; BS in L.S., Univ. of North Carolina. (1945-56, 1958-64, 1966-88)

Kenneth Foutz, Professor of Religion. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary; MA, Presbyterian School of Christian Education; DMin, Emory University. (1970-98)

Thomas E. Jennings, Professor of Education. AB, Asbury College; MEd, Univ. of North Carolina; EdD, University of North Carolina. (1970-2004)

Jimmy J. Kimble, Registrar. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MEd, University of North Carolina. (1968)

Martin LaBar, Professor of Science. BA Wisconsin State University, Superior; MS, Univ. of Wisconsin; PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin. (1964-2004)

W. James Mahony, Professor of Business. BS, U.S. Naval Academy; MS, Webb Institute; PhD, Clemson Univ. (1986)

Betty A. Mealy, Professor of English. BA, Indiana Wesleyan Univ.; MA TEFL, Ball State Univ.; EdD, Univ. of Sarasota. (2001-2014)

Robert R. Nash, Professor of Biology. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MS, Clemson Univ.; PhD, Clemson Univ. (1966)

Claude M. Rickman, Professor of Mathematics; Coordinator of Studies in Mathematics. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; MEd, Clemson Univ.; EdD, Univ. of Georgia. (1978-2014)

Hal G. Robbins, Jr., Professor of Education. AB, Indiana Wesleyan University; MA, Longwood College; EdD, University of Virginia. (1972-74, 1976-1995)

Don Schaupp, Assistant Professor of Computer Science. BS, Arizona State University; MCS, Texas A & M University. (1988-2008)

James L. Schmutz, Professor of Chemistry; Coordinator of Studies in Chemistry. AB, Kansas Wesleyan University; MS, Middlebury College; PhD, Pennsylvania State University. (1977-2009)

Donald D. Wood, Professor of Religion. BA, Southern Wesleyan University; BD, Columbia Theological Seminary; Th.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. (1978)

Paul B. Wood, Professor Psychology. AB, Guilford College; MA, Univ. of North Carolina; PhD, Univ. of North Carolina. (1962-1994)

G. Fred Woodworth, Professor of Education. BA, Eastern Nazarene College; BEd, University of New Brunswick; MEd, University of New Brunswick; PhD, University of Connecticut. (1995-2014)