Feb 06, 2025  
Transfer Course Guide 
Transfer Course Guide

SMC Associate in Criminal Justice - BS Criminal Justice Studies

Criminal Justice Studies BS Requirements with Associate in Criminal Justice Equivalencies

Learning Outcomes

Students completing the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Criminal Justice Studies are expected to:

  • demonstrate an awareness of the history and current nature of the major components of the criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections;
  • be familiar with the basis of the law and the legal system, as well as decision-making in the criminal justice process, the social and political context of the legal system, important constitutional issues, and how criminal law differs from other forms of law;
  • identify factors associated with the causes or deterrence of crime and the reaction of society to crime using multiple perspectives developed within theories of criminal behavior;
  • demonstrate critical thinking skills with social issues such as race, ethnicity, poverty, addiction, and juvenile delinquency and explore their implication for criminal justice professionals;
  • demonstrate knowledge of law enforcement as it relates to society, investigative processes, organizational culture and management;
  • explain the history and evolution of the American correctional system with special attention to theories of punishment, prison organization and management, and current issues and trends;
  • conduct a research project from beginning to end, including how to locate existing sources of relevant information, operationalize concepts of interest, collect data, interpret findings, and present information in a professional manner;
  • explain the adjudication process from pretrial through sentencing for both adult and juvenile offenders; and
  • relate and apply one’s own faith commitment to a criminal justice perspective that enables one to promote justice, humility, peace, and love.

Core Curriculum and General Education Requirements   (40-44 Hours)

Specified Core Curriculum

Students earning a bachelor’s degree must complete all Core Curriculum requirements.  The following specific core curriculum course is required.

  • SOSC 1003   Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology)

Major Courses (40 Hours)

SWU Major Requirements Equivalent Spartanburg Methodist College Courses
CRJS 1001   Cornerstone in Criminal Justice No equivalent course
CRJS 2103   Introduction to Corrections CRMJ 212 Introduction to Corrections
CRJS 1253   Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJM 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice System
CRJS 2173   Health and Fitness for Criminal Justice No equivalent course
CRJS 2283   Police and Community CRJM 213 Community Policing
CRJS 3413   Criminal Law No equivalent course
CRJS 3433   Criminal Justice Management No equivalent course
CRJS 3453   Criminal Investigation No equivalent course
FRSC 2103   Introduction to Forensic Science CRMJ 220 Introduction to Forensic Science
RSCH 3803   Research Methods No equivalent course
SEMR 2153   Information Literacy No equivalent course
SOSC 3503   Advanced Social Problems SOCI 202 Social Problems
SOSC 4703   Capstone in Social Science No equivalent course
STAT 3203   Statistics MATH 112 Introduction to Statistics

Human Diversity/Cultural Diversity (6 Hours)

Choose a minimum of 6 credit hours in Human Diversity/Cultural Diversity courses (with the assistance of an advisor).

SWU Required Courses Equivalent Technical College Courses
COMM 2143   Intercultural Communication No equivalent course
INCS 2023   Introduction to Intercultural Studies No equivalent course
INCS 3001   Special Topics in Intercultural Studies No equivalent course
INCS 3503   Local (USA) Internship No equivalent course
INCS 3763   Urban Studies No equivalent course
PSYC 3763   Multicultural Counseling No equivalent course
RELG 2123   Religions of the World RELI 215 World Religions
SOSC 2003   Cultural Anthropology ANTH 101 Cultural Anthropology
SOSC 2123   Race and Ethnic Relations No equivalent course


In addition to core curriculum/general education requirements (40-44 credit hours) and major course requirements, students must complete elective coursework appropriate to their degree.  A minimum of 120 credit hours is rquired for most bachelor’s degrees, including elective coursework.  Students are strongly encouraged to work with their advisor to identify courses that complement their program area.

Total (120 Hours)

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