Jan 19, 2025  
Transfer Course Guide 
Transfer Course Guide

Transfer Spartanburg Methodist General Electives

Elective Credit for Spartanburg Methodist College Transfers

General Electives

SMC Courses
ARTS 202 Drawing I
ARTS 203 Drawing II
ARTS 204 Painting I
ARTS 205 Painting II
ARTS 206 Fundamentals of Two-Dimensional Design
ARTS 207 Digital Photography
BIOL 105 A Human Approach
BIOL 203 Invertebrate Zoology
CHEM 105 Introduction to Chemistry I
CHEM 106 Introduction to Chemistry II
CRMJ 105 Police Ethics
CRMJ 110 Police Administration
CRMJ 112 Introduction to Criminology
CRMJ 202 Criminal Evidence and Procedures
CRMJ 203 Introduction to Criminal Law
CRMJ 210 Juvenile Relations
CRMJ 211 Community-Based Corrections
CRMJ 212 Introduction to Corrections
CRMJ 214 Victimology
CSCI 130 Introduction to Visual Basic
CSCI 215 Networking
CSCI 221 Algorithmic Design II
DRAM 101 Drama Appreciation
DRAM 102 Introduction to Acting
DRAM 111 Drama Workshop I
DRAM 112 Drama Workshop II
DRAM 113 Drama Workshop III
DRAM 114 Drama Workshop IV
ENGL 206 Creative Writing
FRN 101 Elementary French I
FRN 102 Elementary French II
FRN 201 Intermediate French I
FRN 202 INtermediate French II
GERM 101 Elementary German I
GERM 102 Elementary German II
HIST 112 Modern World History
HLTH 101 First Aid & Personal Safety
LITR 201 English Literature I
LITR 202 English Literature II
LITR 203 American Literature I
LITR 204 American Literature II
LITR 210 Readings in World Literature
MATH 100 Basic Algebra
MUSI 101 Chorus
MUSI 102 Chorus
MUSI 103 Chorus
MUSI 104 Chorus
MUSI 111 Applied Voice
MUSI 112 Applied Voice
MUSI 113 Applied Voice
MUSI 114 Applied Voice
MUSI 115 Class Voice
MUSI 116 Class Voice
MUSI 117 Instrumental Ensemble
MUSI 118 Instrumental Ensemble
MUSI 119 Instrumental Ensemble
MUSI 120 Instrumental Ensemble
MUSC 121 Applied Piano
MUSC 122 Applied Piano
MUSC 123 Applied Piano
MUSC 124 Applied Piano
MUSI 125 Auditioned Chorus
MUSI 126 Auditioned Chorus
MUSI 127 Auditioned Chorus
MUSI 128 Auditioned Chorus
MUSI 203 Elements of Music
PHED 102 Golf
PHED 103 Tennis
PHED 104 Physical Fitness
PHED 105 Archery
PHED 106 Folk and Square Dance
PHED 107 Teaching Physical Activities for Children
PHED 108 Volleyball
PHED 109 Racquetball
PHED 110 Basketball
PHED 111 Snow Skiing
PHED 112 Advanced Snow Skiing
PHED 113 Softball
PHED 114 Bowling
PHED 115 Aerobics
PHED 118 Jogging
PHED 119 Self-Defense
PHED 120 Soccer
PHED 121 Wellness
PHED 122 Angling
PHED 123 Backpacking/Camping
PHED 124 Beginning Dance
PHED 125 Yoga
PHED 127 Snowboarding
PHED 128 Advanced Snowboarding
PHYS 101 Introduction to General Physics I
PHYS 102 Introduction to General Physics II
PHYS 222 Mechanics & Wave Phenomena
PHYS 223 Electrical & Magnetic, Optics & Modern Physics
POLS 203 State and Local Government
PSCI 101 Astronomy & Physics
PSCI 102 Meteorology & Chemistry
PSYC 107 Human Potential Seminar
RELI 103 Introduction to Religious Thought
SMC 101 Freshman Year Experience
SMC 201 Sophomore Year Experience
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II
SPCH 103 Oral Communication