Feb 13, 2025  
Transfer Course Guide 
Transfer Course Guide

Core Curriculum

Conceptual Framework for Core Curriculum

John Wesley advocated using four sources for reflection that would permit relevant, theologically-informed engagement with a rapidly changing world (as named the Wesleyan “quadrilateral” by Albert C. Outler in 1964). Scripture is Wesley’s main source, along with reason, tradition, and experience. Wesley also emphasized the major themes of the redemption narrative (i.e., (1) sinful human nature infused by God’s prevenient grace, (2) justification by faith in Jesus Christ, and (3) sanctification into the fullness of love through the power of the Holy Spirit). 

The four elements of Wesley’s quadrilateral form the framework for our 31 general education credits and 9 credits above this core that are required of all undergraduate students. Our curriculum is taught from a Christian perspective that incorporates the four areas identified by Wesley:

  1. Scripture-Students will need to be well-grounded in the content of the Bible such that they are able to think theologically about the issues they confront.
  2. Tradition-Students will need exposure to the great thinking of the past.
  3. Experience-Students will need to learn experientially, drawing from methods and insights in their discipline.
  4. Reason-Students must be able to reason, developing and refining abilities in critical thinking, reasoning, and creative problem-solving, using today’s technological tools.

This curriculum reflects the belief that our graduates must be able to create a reasoned defense of the Christian faith, demonstrate Christian character traits, and be able to articulate a Christian worldview in their chosen field.

Albert C. Outler, ed., John Wesley (Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 1980).

Required Courses (9-12 Hours)

SWU Courses SC Technical College Equivalent Courses
SEMR 2323 Foundations for Success or HNRS 2323 Honors Foundations for Success1 No equivalent courses
CPSC 1103 Intro to Computers & Info Processing or EDUC 3423 Instructional Tech for Education majors  CPT 101 Intro to Computers or CPT 170 Microcomputer Applications
Note: Course must have been completed within 5 years of transfer or readmittance.
RELG 2403 Basic Christian Beliefs or (RELG 3383Theology for Ministry I and RELG 3393 Theology for Ministry II) No equivalent courses

¹All students must enroll in Freshman Composition (ENGL 1003 followed by ENGL 1013) and Foundations for Success (SEMR 2323 or HNRS 2323) until they earn the minimum required grade.  Transfer students with regular admittance who have earned 30 or more transferable credit hours are exempt from SEMR 2323.  Please note that a required grade of (C for transfer; C- for non-transfer) or higher is required in ENGL 1003 and ENGL 1013.  Withdrawal is not permitted from either of these courses until after the last day to drop without record, but the withdrawal must be completed before the final withdrawal date.  Students must first consult both their advisor and the instructor before withdrawing from a course.

²No credit toward the computer literacy requirement will be awarded for computer fundamental classes that are more than five years old at the time of transfer or re-admittance. 

Specified programs require specific core curriculum courses within the major.  Students should refer to their program requirements.

Humanities/Fine Arts

SWU Courses SC Technical College Equivalent Courses
ASTH 2053   Music and Art Appreciation ART 101, ART 107 , ART 108 , ART 214 , or MUS 105
BIBL 1013   Old Testament Survey or BIBL 1053 Old Testament No equivalent courses
BIBL 1023   New Testament Survey or BIBL 1063 New Testament No equivalent courses
ENGL 1003   Freshman Composition I1 ENG 101  English Composition I
ENGL 1013   Freshman Composition II1 ENG 102 English Composition II
ENGL 2103   Speech Communication SPC 205  Public Speaking
Choose one history course:  
HIST 1023   Western Civilization I HIS 101 Western Civilization to 1689
HIST 1033   Western Civilization II HIS 102  Western Civilization Post 1689
HIST 1063   Survey of Western Civilization Complete HIST 101 and HIS 102
HIST 2003   American History I HIS 201 American History: Discovery to 1877
HIST 2013   American History II HIS 202 American History: 1877 to Present
HIST 2053   Survey of American History No equivalent course

¹All traditional students must enroll in Freshman Composition (ENGL 1003  followed by ENGL 1013  ) until they earn the minimum required grade.  Please note that a required grade of C- or higher is required in ENGL 1003 and ENGL 1013.  Withdrawal is not permitted from any of these courses until after the last day to drop without record, but the withdrawal must be completed before the final withdrawal date.  Students must first consult both their advisor and the instructor before withdrawing from a course.

Math and Natural Sciences (7-8 Hours)

SWU Courses
SC Technical College Equivalent Courses
Choose one math course:  
MATH 1023   Algebra MAT 110  College Algebra
MATH 1064   Algebra and Trigonometry MAT 111  College Trigonometry
MATH 1053   Quantitative Reasoning MAT 103  Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 2153   Discrete Mathematics MAT 132  Discrete Mathematics
MATH 2504   Calculus I MAT 140  Analytical Geometry and Calculus I
MATH 2514   Calculus II MAT 141  Analytical Geometry and Calculus II
MATH 3524   Calculus III MAT 240  Analytical Geometry and Calculus III
MATH 3533   Differential Equations MAT 242  Differential Equations
Choose one science/lab course:  
BIOL 1114   General Biology I BIO 101  Biological Science I or BIO 113 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 1124   General Biology II BIO 102  Biological Science II or BIO 114 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 1054   Survey of Anatomy and Physiology BIO 112 Basic Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 1044   Introduction to Biology No equivalent course
BIOL 2024   Botany No equivalent course
BIOL 2034   Zoology No equivalent course
BIOL 2074   Environmental Science No equivalent course
CHEM 1114   General Chemisty I CHM 110  College Chemistry I
CHEM 1044   Introduction to Chemistry No equivalent course
PHSC 1544   Introduction to Physical Sciences PHY 101Physical Science I or PHS 102
PHYS 2044   PHysics I PHY 201  Physics I
PHYS 2054   Physics II PHY 202  Physics II

Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 Hours)

SWU Courses
SC Technical College Equivalent Courses
Choose one course:  
ECON 2053   Microeconomics ECO 211  Microeconomics
ECON 2063   Macroeconomics ECO 210  Macroeconomics
PSYC 2003   General Psychology PSY 201  General Psychology
SOSC 1003   Introduction to Sociology SOC 101  Introduction to Sociology
SOSC 2003  Cultural Anthropology ANT 101 General Anthropology; ANT 202 Cultural Anthropology
SOSC 2123   Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 215  Ethnicity and Minority Issues
SOSC 2203   Introduction to U.S. Government PSC 201  American Government
SOSC 2513   Family Studies SOC 102  Marriage and the Family

Total Hours (40-44)