Feb 06, 2025  
Transfer Course Guide 
Transfer Course Guide

Greenville Tech Accounting (AAS) - Business Administration (BS)

Greenville Tech Accounting (AAS) - Business Administration (BS)

Federal CIP: 52.0201 Business Administration and Management, General

Learning Outcomes

Students completing the On-Campus Bachelor of Science (BS) in Business Administration are expected to:

  • be effective communicators in both oral and written communication;
  • demonstrate leadership in effective collaboration, interacting and contributing as a team member to meet stated goals;
  • demonstrate the ability to articulate the impact of corporate social responsibility for business and society;
  • demonstrate a clear perception of business ethics based on Christian principles and apply leadership skills that reflect Christian servant leadership principles;
  • be capable problem-solvers using various analytical tools and technology to effectively frame and solve problems.

Core Curriculum and General Education Requirements (40-41 hours)  

 Students earning a bachelor’s degree must complete all Core Curriculum and General Education requirements.

Greenville Technical College Specified General Education Requirements

SWU General Education Course Credits GTC Course Equivalent
(Minimum transfer grade of C- required)
CPSC 1103 Introduction to Computers and Information Processing 3 CPT 170  Microcomputer Applications
Note: Course must be no older than 5 years to transfer.
ECON 2063 Macroeconomics or ECON 2053 Microeconomics 3 ECO 210  Macroeconomics or ECO 211  Microeconomics


SWU Major Requirements Credits Equivalent Technical College Courses
ACCT 2003 Financial Accounting 3 ACC 101  Accounting Principles I
ACCT 2013 Managerial Accounting 3 ACC 102  Accounting Principles II
BUSI 1003 Introduction to Business 3 BUS 101  Introduction to Business
BUSI 2093 Business Communications 3 BUS 130  Business Communications or MGT 270 Managerial Communications
BUSI 3403 Management Information Systems 3 No equivalent
ECON 2053 Microeconomics 3 ECO 211  Microeconomics
ECON 2063 Macroeconomics 3 ECO 210  Macroeconomics
FINC 3613 Corporate Finance 3 No equivalent
MGMT 2013 Principles of Management 3 MGT 101  Principles of Management
MGMT 3203 Business Law 3 BUS 121  Business Law I
MGMT 3503 Principles of Marketing 3 MKT 101  Marketing
MGMT 4253 Management Ethics 3 BUS 220  Business Ethics
MGMT 4403 Strategic Management 3 No equivalent
MGMT 4893 Management Seminar 3 No equivalent
STAT 3123 Statistics for Accounting and Business 3 BUS 240 Business Statistics


Choose one of the following concentrations.

SWU Required Courses (22-25 hours) Credits GTC Course Equivalent (Minimum transfer grade of C- required)
ACCT 2901 Accounting Software 1 ACC 246  Integrated Accounting Software
ACCT 3003 Intermediate Accounting I 3 ACC 201  Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 3013 Intermediate Accounting II 3 ACC 202  Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 3113 Federal Income Taxes 3 ACC 124  Individual Tax Procedures
ACCT 3203 Cost Accounting 3 ACC 230  Cost Accounting I
ACCT 4013 Advanced Accounting 3 No equivalent
ACCT 4203 Auditing 3 No equivalent
ACCT 4803 Accounting Internship Variable No equivalent
SWU Required Courses (15 hours) GTC Course Equivalent (Minimum transfer grade of C- required)
MGMT 2403  Purpose Driven Entrepreneurship No equivalent
MGMT 3353  Organizational Behavior MGT 255  Organizational Behavior
MGMT 3373  Small Business Management No equivalent
MGMT 4303  Production and Operations Management No equivalent
and choose at least one of the following:  
ACCT 3203  Cost Accounting ACC 230  Cost Accounting I
MGMT 3343  Human Resources Management MGT 201  Human Resource Management
MGMT 4203  International Management No equivalent
SWU Required Courses (15-18 hours) Credits GTC Course Equivalent (Minimum transfer grade of C- required)
MGMT 3103 Project Management 3 No equivalent
MGMT 3343 Human Resources Management 3 MGT 201  Human Resource Management
MGMT 3353 Organizational Behavior 3 MGT 255  Organizational Behavior
MGMT 4203 International Management 3 No equivalent
MGMT 4803 Management Internship Variable No equivalent
General Business

Any combination of at least four (4) courses totaling 12 hours (minimum) from approved business courses at SWU or via accepted transfer credit.  Approved classes designated with prefixes such as ACCT, BUSI, ECON, FINC, MKMT, and MGMT, beyond major requirements, may be used to fulfill the 12 hours of concentration courses.


In addition to core curriculum/general education requirements (40-44 credit hours) and major course requirements, students must complete elective coursework appropriate to their degree.  A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for most bachelor’s degrees, including elective coursework.  Students are strongly encouraged to work with their advisor to identify courses that complement their program area.

SWU Equivalent Course Credits GTC Additional Course Requirements
Elective 3 ACC 150  Payroll Accounting
Elective 3 ACC 224  Business Taxation
Elective 3 ACC 245  Accounting Applications
Elective 3 ACC 275  Selected Topics in Accounting
ECON 2103 Personal Finance 3 BAF 101  Personal Finance
Elective 3 ECO 105  Introduction to Economic Principles
Elective 3 MAT 155  Contemporary Mathematics


Core Curriculum Requirements 40-41 hrs.
Major Requirements 45 hrs.
Concentration Requirements 12-25 hrs.
Electives 9-23 hrs.
Total 120 hrs,

Online Concentrations

The following concentrations are offered only via online delivery and are available to On-Campus students who must meet the following requirements to enroll in an online concentration.  On-Campus students must:


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