Nov 24, 2024  
Spring 2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
Spring 2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Religion (FLEX)

Federal CIP: 38.0201 Religion/Religious Studies

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcome objectives for those obtaining the BA in Religion are that students will:

  1. substantiate Biblical literacy;
  2. apply church history;
  3. develop ministerial leadership;
  4. formulate contextual awareness;
  5. apply skilled communication;
  6. demonstrate spiritual maturity;
  7. construct theological knowledge.

What is FLEX?

The grouping of 16 online, self-paced, pretest-eligible Bible and religion courses that define the FLEX program serves a variety of students. For students who are primarily interested in a quest for ordination or supplementary resourcing, FLEX courses may be pursued as a cluster of Bible and religion courses from a non-degree-seeking perspective. However, for other students who are seeking an undergraduate BA Religion degree, pursuing the FLEX program courses in addition to other general education and elective degree requirements may be their top priority.  Additionally, FLEX may be ideal for students who are still in high school or are recent graduates and who wish to respond to a call to the ministry by preparing themselves most affordably and within close proximity to their home.  Also, FLEX may be ideal for pastors who have already gained valuable experience in ministry or who have completed ministerial professional training for Wesleyan ordination.

What is self-paced and pretest eligible?

Once a FLEX course is scheduled to begin, the FLEX student may complete the course according to his or her abilities and desired pace for learning. Each FLEX course is designed for the average student to complete in approximately 7 weeks. Prior to the start of any FLEX course, a student who possesses the knowledge, training, and experience to prove competency in each of the course modules (or units) may elect to pretest, a process involving three pretest components: a 30-minute interview with an assessor, a completed online test, and optional submission of a portfolio with attached artifacts.  A student who successfully meets pretest requirements may exempt certain modules within a course.


Religion- FLEX Program Requirements

Ministry Practicum or Residency

Select one grouping: Practicum (3-7 hours) or Residency (12 hours)

Ministry Practicum Requirements (3-7 hours)

Or Ministry Residency (12 hours)

Concentration Requirements


In addition to core curriculum (40-44 credit hours) and major course requirements, students must complete elective coursework appropriate to their degree. A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for most bachelor’s degrees, including elective coursework. Students are strongly encouraged to work with their advisor to identify courses that complement their program area. 


Core Curriculum   Requirements 40-44 hrs.

Major Requirements 27 hrs.

Ministry Practicum or Residency 3-12 hrs.

Concentration Requirements 12 hrs.

Electives 35-38 hrs.


Total: 120 hrs.