Feb 06, 2025  
Spring 2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
Spring 2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MUSC 4093 History of Western Music III

3 credits
This is the third in a comprehensive music history sequence. The course covers, in depth, the history and stylistic characteristics of representative music literature, composers, and performers from the Romantic Period through the Twentieth Century. The student will explore musical Master Works through listening, analysis, and discussion with some attention to relevant non-Western cultural influences. There will be a major, culminating writing project as well as an oral presentation on a non-western music topic. Prerequisites: MUSC 2044  and MUSC 4082 , or transfer equivalent. Note:  Succesful completion of this writing intensive (WI) course can meet a Tier 2 QEP graduation requirement.

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